



Become a sponsor today for North America's largest automotive fundraiser!

Exclusive naming rights to event
Prominently featured in all media releases
Name & logo hyperlinked on website and website banner
Full recognition through social media
Three target mentions in social media
Mention in Starlight Newsletter (access to over 30,000 constituents)
Prominently featured on all signage at event
Recognition in post-event acknowledgements
10 Drivers included


Prominently featured in all media releases
Name & logo hyperlinked on website
One target mention in social media
Recognition through social media
Mention in Starlight Newsletter (access to over 30,000 constituents)
Signage at event
Recognition in post-event acknowledgements
5 Drivers included
Option to bring 2 promotional vehicles for attendees to look at and / or test drive


Prominently featured in all media releases
Name & logo hyperlinked on website
One target mention in social media
Recognition through social media
Mention in Starlight Newsletter (access to over 30,000 constituents)
Signage at event on all Food Trucks
Recognition in post-event acknowledgements
5 Drivers included
Option to bring 2 promotional vehicles for attendees to look at and / or test drive


Prominently featured in all media releases
Name & logo hyperlinked on website
Recognition through social media
One target mention in social media
Mention in Starlight Newsletter (access to over 30,000 constituents)
Signage at event
Recognition in post-event acknowledgements
4 Drivers included
Option to bring 1 promotional vehicle for attendees to look at and / or test drive


Name & logo hyperlinked on website
Recognition through social media (minimum of 1)
Signage at event
Recognition in post-event acknowledgements
3 Drivers included
Option to bring 1 promotional vehicle for attendees to look at and / or test drive


Name & logo hyperlinked on website
Signage at event
Recognition in post-event acknowledgements
2 Drivers included